cloudy cloudy2 fog light rain rain heavy rain moderate rain shower rain storm rain thunderstorm snow blizzard snow heavy snow light snow moderate snow shower snow sleet sunny wind2 children programs cubage account add account add to collects add to favorites add ai assistant ai air optimization alarm all options application center appoint arrow right automatic back to home back back1 bluetooth off bluetooth bookmark brightness camera cause of failure caution close cloud assistant cloud download comment confirm contrast coupon customer service delete device connected device control device discover device switch download dropdown edit electricity enter family favorites go out home light off light lighting device like link location lock maintenance manual membership menu messages mini program minus more options music mute nearby response next night optimization password hide password show pause personal information phone play playlist power switch previous protection refresh repair record reset save scan scenes score search security settings knob settings shopping sound wave sound system upgrade temperature timer tips unlock vacation voice message voice muted voice wallpaper water usage wifi disconnected wifi signal x2 wifi signal x3 wifi ellipsis protocol toggle menu1 gestures illustrate touch screen upward manual control privacy agreement power switch1 power switch2 circle minus2 circle plus2 curtain close curtains open beginner guide caution2 move to sort commend dissatisfied move up upwards washing machine tub to sleep television sofa refrigerator read power supply lamp have a meal good morning early warning door lock curtain cooking air purifier air conditioner voice message2 loading2 location failed calculators nearby equipment pause2 play2 put away calculator rated